Neurologists are highly trained physicians and qualified experts of the brain, spine and nervous system. Our board certified neurologists identify nervous system disorders, including diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles. They are highly skilled in evaluating and assisting patients that have been involved in auto accidents, falls, assaults, and other injuries. A common disorder we treat is post-concussion head syndrome, a complex disorder that can cause various long-term disabilities such as headaches, insomnia, balance disorder, mood changes, memory loss, and ability to focus. We offer state-of-the-art consultative, diagnostic and therapeutic services for a full range of neurological conditions, including but not limited to:
- Neck Injuries
- Back Injuries
- Head Concussion Syndrome
- Post Traumatic Migraine Headaches
- PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Post Traumatic Dizziness, Vertigo & Balance Disorders
- Numbness & Tingling in Shoulders, Arms & Hands
- Numbness & Tingling in Buttocks, Legs & Feet
- Spinal cord and head injuries/concussions
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Movement disorders, headaches and migraines
- Seizure disorder
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
We provide our patients availability to advanced diagnostics, including studies for diagnosing brain and nervous system disorders, electromyography (EMG), Nerve conduction studies (NCV) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Our specialists and staff are highly committed in providing personalized, high-quality service to every patient based on philosophy to educate and offer patient participation to maximize treatment outcomes. To schedule an appointment, please contact our office today.